This guide will highlight Rome’s hidden gems for students visiting Rome on a budget with limited time. The purpose of this guide is to show attractions using the Roma Pass that are more easily missed because they are less talked about compared to some of Rome’s more famous landmarks.  I am a student here so I can recommend things I believe other students may appreciate like art, food, gardens and churches. 

ART – Borghese Gallery

Here you will find some of the most eloquent art in all of Rome. These unbelievable Roman sculptures are sure to take your breath away. While you are walking through the 17th-century villa, it’s impossible not to be left in awe by all the antiques, Renaissance, and the start of Baroque artwork. The tickets are included with the Roma Pass, so if you are a fan of art, this gallery is a must-see. 

CHURCH – Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola 

Rome is home to many of the most exquisite churches and if you are in Rome for a limited time it would be impossible to see and appreciate all of them. But if you are looking for a grand Church with beautiful art and architecture, this is the place to see. It was built in the 17th century and perfectly represents the Baroque art period with its frescos and chapels. If you want to celebrate Mass here to fully immerse yourself in the music and prayer, check their website for Mass times.

NATURE – Villa Borghese Gardens 

Rome is a busy city, so if you are looking for a place to relax and take a break from all the hustle and bustle, look no further than the Villa Borghese Gardens. Whether you want to have a picnic, kick the soccer ball around or just take a stroll this is the perfect spot to do it. When you get there you can also rent bikes, golf carts, and even a boat to paddle on the Villa Borghese lake! The Roma Pass makes it easy to get here as the train stops right at the garden. 


This neighborhood full of culture is perfect for an afternoon of exploring and a fun night out. The narrow alleyways are full of authentic Italian restaurants, artisan shops and lively bars and pubs. It’s a great place to get lost because no matter what road you choose to go down, you are sure to find something enjoyable. It’s easily accessible on the transit system, which you will have free access to with your 48 h or 72 h Roma Pass

FOOD – Suppli 

Located in Trastevere, this restaurant screams authentic Italian food. This order-and-go establishment is perfect for people who don’t want to spend hours in a restaurant eating lunch or dinner. Once you are there, you can get anything from pizza, rotisserie chicken, vegetables and of course their famous suppli. Suppli is an Italian snack made by frying a ball of rice with tomato sauce with mozzarella in the middle. It’s warm, cheesy and a perfect snack for any time of the day. Their menu changes every day, so check out their website if you want to see what delicious food they are serving the day you go. 

Cate Plunkett


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