Come to the Sinking City known as Venice!

Exploring the Sinking City known as Venice. It’s known as the capital of the Region Veneto. Venice is well-known for many things like all the buildings being surrounded by water, seafood, fashion, etc, but the Gondola Ride is one of its most popular tourist attractions!

It can range from thirty minutes to an hour. Cost ranges between 80 and 120 euros, depending on the length of the trip. From previous experience, if you go during a nonbusy period, you can negotiate for a lower price. 

If you plan to book ahead here is the link to the Gondola Gondalarides. 

When visiting Venice I realized that the city has multiple names including the one used above but there’s also the Floating City, the City of Bridges, the City of Canals.

Rialto Bridge

During my time here I went on a ferry through the Rialto Bridge and even was able to walk across it. The City Of Canals/bridges is very well known on this island

 Rialto Bridge helps build a connection for pedestrians to walk over to different shopping areas, markets and restaurants.

 Bride of Signs is a historical landmark because it allows visitors to see where prisoners were once transported but is now a museum. You can see this during a Gondala ride!

Bride of Signs
Bride of Signs

One of my favorite part about Venice was when I was walking through the small cobblestone streets I realized the way the stores set up their mannequins to you into their stores.

Another must do!

Check out many restaurants along the water line. I would advise checking out reviews before heading into the first restaurant you see based on my own bad experience. To find the best advice on where to go click here.

Seafood in Venice
Seafood in Venice

There are also food tours that you can do around if you’re a big foodie!

Food Tour in Venice
Food Tour

You can visit , while trying tapas called “cicchetti,” and admiring the historical landmarks like the Basilica dei Frari along the way.

Rialto Market in Venice

There is so much to see and do in Venice! While I only named a couple of activities to do, you can find so much more. If you want more study abroad or places to travel suggestions

I’ve attached links below…







Daniela Spino




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