The Reusable Water Bottle: Rome’s Most Sustainable Unsung Hero

With Rome’s continued effort to reduce the use of single-use plastics (SUP), citizens and tourists alike are encouraged to opt for reusable water bottles as a means of hydration. This allows everyone to advantage of Nasoni water, filtered water fountains sprinkled across the city.

Table of Contents:

  • Reducing Single Use Plastics
  • The Nasoni Water System
  • The Roma Pass and the Water Bottle
  • Where to Find Reusable Water Bottles
  • The Power of the Water Bottle

    Two Women with Reuasble Water Bottles at a Nasoni Fountain

Reducing Single Use Plastics

Sustainability and plastic reduction have been an increasing trend moving into the 21st century. However, as an amount of the SUP ends up in our landfills and oceans worldwide, more actions have needed to be taken to ensure the longevity of our planet. In March 2020, much European government and business leaders saw the negative environmental factors and decided to create the European Plastics Pact. This was a pact aimed to “accelerate the shift toward the reuse and recycling of single-use plastic products and packaging.” Italy was one the first countries in the EU to sign this pact and since then has worked to reduce SUP across all industries. Implementing the Single-Use Plastic Directive (“SUPD”) and eventually, a plastic tax is just some examples of steering people away from SUP and using alternatives like reusable water bottles.

The Nasoni Water System

With about 400 functional fountains in the city center and 2500 total, the Nasoni water system is an excellent asset for anyone traversing with a water bottle. The Nasone are a nonstop water fountain that pumps out clean, potable water that guarantee you refreshment. Nasone are typically just a spout relatively close to the ground, that flow continuously so that you can fill and go! Their height makes them perfect for all members of the family, even the furry ones! Even if you don’t have your water bottle on hand, you can plug the bottom hole, and a second hole acts as a spout similar to a school water fountain. As you get closer to the city center, the Nasone get more elaborate and decorative, akin to the architecture of the Eternal City. Some look like lions, gargoyles, fish, etc. It can almost be an exciting adventure to travel around Rome and find all of the fountains, you can start with the map below of the city center! (If looking for a way to go around Rome, check out: “Top 5 Underrated Places You Must Visit in Rome and a Sustainable Itinerary/Map to Get There!”)

Map of all Nasoni Water Fountains Across Rome City Center
“You don’t need to buy bottles of water in Rome… drink at the #nasone. Rome is full of characteristic free-drinking little fountain called ‘nasoni’ (‘big noses’) that distribute clean,

The Roma Pass and the Water Bottle

Being a tourist in Rome, it can be tricky to get around, and a water bottle seems like one more thing to pack. However, Zetema, a tourism and civic engagement company in Rome,has got you covered so that you can experience all that Rome has to offer with ease. With the Roma Pass, users can obtain access to all public museums in Rome at a discounted price with your first two free and all of the city’s public transportation. With the new Green Roma Pass, a slight increase in price gets you benefits like “free reusable thermal water bottle, a 20% discount at local partnered sustainable stores, and 75% off of public bikes and scooters services.” It’s a perfect opportunity for any person visiting Rome to get a holistic, sustainable experience!

Where to Find Reusable Water Bottles

While exploring Rome, there are many places to purchase home goods like reusable water bottles. There are many home-good stores known as “casalinghi” around the city that have an array of water bottles. Rome houses many brick-and-mortar stores that are seen in other countries (e.g. Flying Tiger Copenhagen, Ikea, and Bialetti.) There are also so many souvenir shops littered throughout the city center that have an assortment of Rome-esque water bottles for the perfect memento to signify a meaningful journey. I enjoy seeing the bottles with the AS Roma soccer team colors on them, as soccer is a big deal here not only in Rome but in Italy in general. (Forza Roma!)

Borraccia 800 ml in allunimio, rossa

The Power of the Water Bottle

The power of the water bottle in Rome is undeniable. As you trek through this wonderful, expansive city, it is just one tool in your arsenal. Albeit La Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua (World Water Day) or un normale martedì (a regular Tuesday), there is always an opportunity to reduce SUP consumption!

-Tristan Walker


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