The city of Gradara is known to be a medieval town stuck in time. This Tagliolini Con La Bomba recipe consists of a traditional first course dish of the Marche Village in Gradara. This famous recipe originated in the area, and despite it having ‘bomb’ in the name, Tagliolini is a peaceful, warming, soup dish that was perfected and passed down by many generations of mothers and grandmothers in Gadara. It got its name from the puff of steam released in the cooking process and the history of wars and strong city walls preserved in Gradara.
- pepper to taste
- 100 g lard
- 50 g pecorino
- parsley to taste
- extra virgin olive oil to taste
- salt to taste
- 1 onion
- 320 g egg pasta
- Chop the onion into diced pieces and cut the lard into strips.
- In a pan, Sautee the onion and lard in olive oil and leave aside.
- While sautéing, in anther pot, add pasta (this recipe uses Tagliolini) to boiling, salted water.
- When the pasta reaches al dente, drain the water, while leaving most of it inside the pot.
- While the sauce is boiling, add pasta and remaining water to the pan; the mix of water and sauce with create a surge of steam which is where the ‘bomb’ comes from in the name!
- Stir to combine, and add salt, parsley, and pecorino to taste
Ryann Miller